Harviestoun Hypnotherapy and Counselling Blog
Harviestoun Hypnotherapy and Counselling Blog

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Our Latest Blog Entry
Hypnotherapy or Counselling? Well it depends what you're looking for!
Do you want to understand why you feel or react the way you do or do you just want to make a positive change?
To be honest I think there's a bit of both when you decide on Hypnotherapy, I allow space at thebeginning and end of each session to talk. That may be about how you felt about your last session orwhat's been going on for you since we last spoke. Its important to me that you get the best possibleexperience. We need to get to know each other, this allows a professional relationship to develop. You need to feel comfortable to tell me what's going on for youwhich enables me topersonalise your sessions to fit yourindividual needs.
So what is Hypnotherapy? Well all hypnosis is self-hypnosis my role is to guide you and create a deep state of relaxation. While relaxed we can help change the negative thoughts and reaction into more helpful positive thoughts and reactions. Overtime your subconscious has learnt certain thoughts or behaviours to protect you, however sometimes these thoughts and behaviours start to effect other areas of your life and are no longer useful. For example, running away from difficult situations or eating because it gives you comfort.
So what is counselling? Counselling is an opportunity for you to talk without judgement and really be listened too. As a counsellor my job is to listen and assist you in gaining a better understanding of yourself. The ability to understand why or to see the situation through a different lens can change your perspective and create positive thoughts and feelings. I am trained in various styles and theories, which allow me to utilise different skills and knowledge in response to your situation.
For example, I would utilise a person centred approach if you would predominantly benefit from having someone to actively listen and assist in you organising your thoughts and feelings. I would utilise a psychotherapeutic approach if you needed to understand why you react to certain situations. This would explore your past, present and what you hope to gain for the future.
Response to COVID-19 update
Response to COVID-19 update
In light of the recent update from The Scottish Government, I will be restarting face to face sessions under certain circumstances.
The updated road map states from the 3rd August 2020 face to face session can resume with guidelines in place.
I plan to continue with telephone/live video sessions where appropriate and in line with current guidelines.
I will however resume some face to face sessions, where is it safe to do so.
Prior to any face to face session, clients will be required to complete a risk assessment in regards to their health, this is to ensure that I am minimising the risks of harm to all clients visiting. Clients will also be required to complete an agreement that they understand the risks of face to face sessions as well as consent to track and protect.
The procedure on attending a session will be discussed and explained prior to the session. I will publish a copy of my guidelines on my website and Facebook page.